2020 Insight Consulting & Marketing | Your Digital Business Partner
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About 2020ic
Mission Statement

Providing digital and data-driven strategies and platform development for sustainable profitability through continually-refreshing insights and foresight while delivering first rate customer service.

Experience Service Excellence

Online Enablement & Engagement
Analytic Insight & Foresight

Companies are now better able to make data-driven decisions. Data priorities change with market opportunities, therefore the future is of analytics is about being a real-time, data-driven business on a regular basis and measured against performance and results while adjusting sales and marketing efforts.

Data & Technology Solutions Management
Our Process

Our delivery model is designed to unlock value at the intersection of Data and Individual Engagement, Recognize that all new front-end value depends on the end-to-end integration of enterprise data, and the transformation of existing processes and workflow.

Talent, Tools and Resources Management
About 2020ic

We help companies like your to increase their online presence and take your business to the next level by leveraging data to help make better business decisions through insight and foresight analysis. If you need top  talent to get the job done, we can help.


Over 15 Years Experience in Solutions Planning & Implementation

Explore Our Consultancy Services
Market Trends & Analysis
Insight & Foresight
Growth Strategies
Analytics Resources

We Support Your Business Growth Goals

Consultancy video
Explore Our Consulting Services Our Mission Statement
Discover Our Process

Our delivery model is designed to unlock value at the intersection of Big Data and Individual Engagement, Recognize that all new front-end value depends on the end-to-end integration of enterprise data, and the transformation of existing processes and workflow.

About 2020ic

We are a trusted partner with wide-ranging service capabilities.Our core competencies include deep business process and industry expertise, Advanced Analytics and Insight Capabilities, comprehensive IT infrastructure knowledge, and proven ability to implement enterprise solutions that deliver business value.

Our Mission

Providing data-driven strategies and platform for sustainable profitability through continually-refreshing insights and foresight while delivering first rate customer service

Business Consulting

Companies are now better able to make data-driven decisions.Data priorities change with market opportunities, therefore the future is of analytics is about being a real-time, data-driven business on a regular basis and measured against performance and results while adjusting sales and marketing efforts.

We Deliver Results

Our Mission

Providing data-driven strategies and platform for sustainable profitability through continually-refreshing insights and foresight while delivering first rate customer service

Business Strategy

We'll help you set new business priorities, plan for growth, and make insights based decisions.

Professional Services

Competence, Honesty, Integrity – these are our core pillars that help to define us.

Customer Satisfaction

We strive to exceed our clients' expectations and build a lasting relationship.